CHEMICAL SUPPLIER : Jual Garam ex Indonesia

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Jual Garam ex Indonesia

Apa itu garam industri?

Untuk mengetahui garam industri maka kita harus mengetahui apa itu garam non industri.

Garam industri :
Garam yang digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan/bahan penolong untuk kegiatan industri yang dimanfaatkan kandungan mineralnya yaitu Natrium Klorida.

Garam makanan :
Sedangkan garam makanan adalah garam yang digunakan sebagai penyedap makanan, lebih ditekankan rasa asin nya.

Garam atau dengan nama kimia Nacl / sodium chloride adalah butiran berwarna putih digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi industri seperti :
> Personal Care
> Oral Hygiene
> Shampoos, etc.

Kegunaan garam pada industri tersebut antara lain sebagai :
> pH adjuster
> Thickener
> Adjust foaming
> etc.

In oil and gas exploration, salt is an important component of drilling fluids in well drilling. It is used to flocculate and increase the density of the drilling fluid to overcome high downwell gas pressures. Whenever a drill hits a salt formation, salt is added to the drilling fluid to saturate the solution in order to minimize the dissolution within the salt stratum. Salt is also used to increase the curing of concrete in cemented casings.

In textiles and dyeing, salt is used as a brine rinse to separate organic contaminants, to promote "salting out" of dyestuff precipitates, and to blend with concentrated dyes to standardize them. One of its main roles is to provide the positive ion charge to promote the absorption of negatively charged ions of dyes.

It is also used in processing aluminiumberylliumcoppersteel and vanadium. In the pulp and paper industry, salt is used to bleach wood pulp. It also is used to make sodium chlorate, which is added along with sulfuric acid and water to manufacture chlorine dioxide, an excellent oxygen-based bleaching chemical. The chlorine dioxide process, which originated in Germany after World War I, is becoming more popular because of environmental pressures to reduce or eliminate chlorinated bleaching compounds. In tanning and leather treatment, salt is added to animal hides to inhibit microbial activity on the underside of the hides and to attract moisture back into the hides.

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Untuk informasi pemesanan garam industri, silahkan hubungi kami



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