Thursday, May 12, 2016


Lauric acid or systematically, dodecanoic acid, is a saturated fatty acidwith a 12-carbon atom chain, thus falling into the medium chain fatty acids, is a white, powdery solid with a faint odor of bay oil or soap.

Lauric acid, as a component oftriglycerides, comprises about half of the fatty acid content in coconut milk,coconut oillaurel oil, and palm kernel oil (not to be confused with palm oil),[10][11] Otherwise, it is relatively uncommon. It is also found in human breast milk (6.2% of total fat), cow's milk (2.9%), and goat's milk (3.1%).

Like many other fatty acids, lauric acid is inexpensive, has a long shelf-life, and is non-toxic and safe to handle. It is mainly used for the production ofsoaps and cosmetics. For these purposes, lauric acid is neutralized withsodium hydroxide to give sodium laurate, which is a soap. Most commonly, sodium laurate is obtained by saponification of various oils, such as coconut oil. These precursors give mixtures of sodium laurate and other soaps.

In the laboratory, Lauric acid is often used to investigate the molar mass of an unknown substance via the freezing-point depression. Lauric acid is convenient because its melting point when pure is relatively high (43.8 °C). Its cryoscopic constant is 3.9 °C·kg/mol. By melting lauric acid with the unknown substance, allowing it to cool, and recording the temperature at which the mixture freezes, the molar mass of the unknown compound may be determined.
Asam laurat atau asam dodekanoat adalah asam lemak jenuh berantai sedang (Ing. middle-chained fatty acid, MCFA) yang tersusun dari 12 atom C. Sumber utama asam lemak ini adalah minyak kelapa, yang dapat mengandung 50% asam laurat, serta minyak biji sawit (palm kernel oil). Sumber lain adalah susu sapi.
Asam laurat memiliki titik lebur 44 °C dan titik didih 225 °C sehingga pada suhu ruang berwujud padatan berwarna putih, dan mudah mencair jika dipanaskan. Rumus kimia: CH3(CH2)10COOH, berat molekul 200,3 g.mol-1. Asam ini larut dalam pelarut polar, misalnya air, juga larut dalam lemak karena gugushidrokarbon (metil) di satu ujung dan gugus karboksil di ujung lain. Perilaku ini dimanfaatkan oleh industri pencuci, misalnya pada sampo. Natrium laurilsulfat adalah turunan yang paling sering dipakai dalam industri sabun dan sampo.

Next about coconut oil

Pada Industri Kosmetik, Asam Laurat ini berfungsi sebagai Pengental, pelembab dan pelembut.

Source :

COA LAURIC ACID Please opened

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